JU&A News

Home Care

Home Care Packages Program Data Report - 3rd Quarter 2020-21
For a copy of this report please contact our office.
Residential Care

About us
Our goal is to promote and achieve professional, successful provision of aged care that gives excellent outcomes for customers and staff whilst maximising long-term return on investment. In our 32nd year of aged care consulting, James Underwood & Associates is the leading Australian firm of management consultants for aged care.
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Why choose us?
JU&A is a single-sector consulting group - we only work in aged care. We work closely with clients in every state and territory in Australia. Our team of eight personnel as staff or contractors includes two accountants, a health scientist, senior nurse consultants, a marketing consultant, management consultants and support staff.
Contact us
Phone: 07 3229 8955
After Hours: 0419 765 001
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